Tuesday, July 9, 2013



     CLOUD COMPUTING is the very latest technology enable people to access the data, which incorporates a combination of computer technology and cloud storage, both on hardwares and softwares.
     CLOUD COMPUTING can store various types of data that we have, such as documents, musics, videos, photos, and other. The data stored in it are permanently stored in the Internet server and can be accessed through a computer, tablet PCs and smartphones to edit, save, and delete. Existing data can be accessed at the same time with our friends, as long as it connected to the internet and log in to his ID, respectively.

CLOUD COMPUTING service models:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
     IaaS is a model of the most basic services, namely computer resource rent directly. These services are often encountered in cloud server web hosting as well as cloud VPS (Virtual Provider Server). The use of cloud technology allows users to create many virtual servers or adjust the level of resources in accordance with their wishes.
Examples of service provider is Linode, HP Cloud, Joyent, NaviSite, and other.

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS).
      In the PaaS services, cloud provider will usually provide a platform that includes the operating system, database, web server, and the programming language environment. Users can develop applications using the platform that has been provided. Users can also set the resource to fit their needs with ease.
Example of service provider is Jelastic, Heroku, Google App Engine, Windows Azure Cloud Service, and other.

3. Software as a Service (SaaS).
      SaaS is currently being fast-growing and often we meet in person. Here the cloud provider will provide software or application in the cloud that can be accessed by users via the internet. Users can not access the infrastructure or platform on which the application runs, they could only access, execute and take advantage of the application.
Examples of service provider is Microsoft Office 365, Google Apps, OnLive, Petrosoft, and other.

4. Network as a Service (NaaS).
      In Naas cloud service provider will provide network / connectivity. Users can use the network or connectivity in the cloud.
Example of service provider is VPN and bandwidth on demand.