Sunday, February 21, 2010


Dozens of planes and ships are listed as in missing the Bermuda Triangle without a known trail throughout the year. The aircraft Star Tiger, without cause - for a clear and without sending any signal, arrived - arrived disappeared on January 30, 1948, on his way to Bermuda with 31 passengers. Another incident on December 28, 1948, a DC-3 aircraft with 35 passengers flying from the waters above Poertorico missing Bermuda Triangle. On January 17, 1949 Area Star aircraft, from the direction of Bermuda to Jamaica just disappear swallowed by the earth without a trace.
Bermuda term derived from the name of the seventh month of the Egyptian calendar, which is Naisan. In that farmers plant and harvest sugar cane dates. The term was later used to refer to imaginative triangle located in the Atlantic Ocean. Bermuda Triangle has an area of about 770,000 km2 and consists of group of islands - islands which number 350 islands. Peak imaginative Bermuda, in the north of the island of Bermuda there, there south east corner Poerterico island, which is the U.S. military headquarters. Inhabitants speak Spanish and English the official language. The capital of San Juan. While western corner is located in Miami, Florida.
A specialist event - a mysterious event called Vincent Cadys marine, said that the Bermuda Triangle area is very dangerous to shipping and aviation. Approximately 100 aircraft and ships lost in this area and the victim reached more than 1000 people. Most of the mysterious events that occurred in 1945.
Then, Charles Berlins, Bermuda Triangle author of the book describes at length in his book about the loss of French ships passing through the area Rousalie in the year 1940. The engine is still good and its cargo was not disturbed, but the ship is not empty or manned passengers. Another incident is the loss of a large freighter named Anita's USA with a cargo of 20,000 tons on March 23, 1973.
The most horrible event dubbed "Atlantic Cemetery" on the Bermuda Triangle is a calamity that had befallen the expedition-19 squadron to the United States. On Thursday, January 1945, five aircraft types Finger TTB30 departing from his base in Port Louderdidle in the Florida, USA. Fifth plane with its crew disappeared under mysterious fog without leaving a trace in the Bermuda Triangle.
What is even more remarkable efforts of scholars in solving the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, that area there dinterpretasikan electromagnetic events - events such as the repetition of the interface back events - events that once occurred in the area because of the passage of time (time tannel). So the plane and the missing ships were still alive but was in place and another time.
Other responses about the Bermuda Triangle is a regional center of the kingdom was the devil and Satan followers - followers to control human activities in order to influence the error, according to his promise to the prophet before Adam to be decadent descendants of Adam.

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